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Author: Will Chatham

Will Chatham is the Security Assessment Engineer for Arbor Networks. Since Netscape 2.0, he has worked in a wide array of environments including non-profit, corporate, small business, and government. He started as a web developer, moved into Linux system administration, and ultimately found his place as a security professional. Having most recently conquered the OSCP certification, Will continues to hack his way into various things in an effort to make them more secure.

Social Media Hell

If you can’t tell, I’ve been personally getting fed up with social media lately. My cancellation of my Facebook account yesterday was a big deal for someone who actually tells people all the time about the need to do social media for marketing their businesses. This is personal though. A…

Goodbye, Facebook

On the eve of Facebook’s IPO, I decided to have my account deleted and remove myself from it. So far, I feel wonderful.  I’ve been toying with this idea for a long time, and I finally decided to do it. I chose to do this for several reasons: Privacy. With…