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Author: Will Chatham

Will Chatham is the Security Assessment Engineer for Arbor Networks. Since Netscape 2.0, he has worked in a wide array of environments including non-profit, corporate, small business, and government. He started as a web developer, moved into Linux system administration, and ultimately found his place as a security professional. Having most recently conquered the OSCP certification, Will continues to hack his way into various things in an effort to make them more secure.

Net Neutrality Is Dead

US Appeals Court Kills Net Neutrality There goes the Internet. Your broadband provider can now decide to throttle Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube streaming into your house and  leave unthrottled their own crappy on-demand service for which they charge you to watch movies. Let’s hope the Supreme Court gets to rule…

40 Maps

These are awesome. I learned that aside from the United States, only two other countries in the world do not use the metric system, among other things. 40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World