As Apple reaches its 10th birthday they’ve provided us with many innovations over the years and the iPhone is probably its biggest success. It stemmed the release of the Apple store which allowed users to download apps on to their smartphone device that they could use on the go. Ever since the development of smartphones mobile apps have rocketed in revenue as more and more are being released that help with our day to day tasks, almost becoming essential assets for us to get by. Apple’s release of the app store urged competitors to release their own. In particular, Android released their own Google Play Store which can be used by users on Samsung, Google and other Android devices. Data released by Apadmi shows just exactly who is winning the battle of the mobile app stores.
According to the data, despite Apple releasing their app store 3 months before the Android, over time the Google Play Store has a far greater variety of apps to choose from, acquiring 3.6m apps compared to Apple with 2.1m at the end of 2017. The Google Play Store also has a larger popularity with almost double the amount of downloads in the year compared to downloads on the App Store. What is interesting though is that despite having fewer apps and downloads, App store users are far more lucrative compared to Google Play store users. In total, the revenue that Apple received from their app store was almost double of what Android received through their Google play store with a defining factor being that Apple users were willing to pay more for their in-app purchases. One similarity that both stores have though is that their most downloaded app is Facebook.