There are four seasons but three of them have better PR agents. Winter has snow and Christmas, spring has blooms and flowers, and summer has the weather. Autumn isn’t as well loved as the others, which is a shame considering it’s October. What are we supposed to do – chill for the next couple of months?
Of course we shouldn’t because that would be boring, not to mention pointless. As it happens, fall time isn’t as vanilla as it seems. In fact, it’s a perfect time to be with family and bond.
With that in mind, these are family fall tips you should try this autumn.
Lock Up The Motorcycle
Summer is an amazing time to break out the chopper and go on long rides. There is nothing like a breeze ruffling through the hair and you explore what Mother Nature has to offer. The thing is riding a hog in the hot, dry conditions is much easier than doing it in the wet. Plus, there is the wind to factor in. An accident claim is only around the corner when you don’t take precautions. Remember that you can’t enjoy family time this fall if you’re using crutches, which is why you should swap the bike for a car.

Gear Up For Halloween
As it stands, the scariest holiday of the year is only 21 days away. Wow, time flies when you’re having fun. Halloween is an incredible day because it’s fun for everyone. Parents and “old” people alike can dress up and let out their inner child just like the kids and teenagers. Granted, you might embarrass your children but they have a mask so no one will know it’s them anyway! Make a month of it by decorating the house, visiting a pumpkin farm and creating the ultimate outfit. As always, the most creative costumes win the best prizes.

Channel Your Inner Briton
We’re only separated by an ocean yet our customs couldn’t be different. Every 5th of November, the Brits build ‘bonfires’ and set off fireworks to remember Guy Fawkes. He was the guy behind the gunpowder plot by the way. Okay, it might be their tradition and it has nothing to do with the US, but who wants to turn down s’mores? Plus, the Thanksgiving is just around the corner so you can always top-up on your nationalism if you feel like a bit of a culture vulture. By the way, be sure to cook a turkey and eat as a family on the fourth Thursday of November.
Watch TV
There’s no better way to bond than to sit in front of the box and watch TV. During the summer, this is tricky because all of the best shows go on a summer hiatus. Well, they’re back now it’s October, and they’re back with a bang. So, call the kids down from their rooms and tell them the fall television season is here. Then, throw the popcorn in the microwave and sit back and relax.
Doesn’t that sound like an unbelievable way to spend the next few months?