When you are trying to promote your website and offers online, you should consider your pages as your shop window. If they are not attractive and inviting, chances are that you are just throwing money at your site without getting it to do what it is supposed to. There are some telltale signs that your website needs an overhaul, and the sooner you spot them the better chance you have fixing the issues. Below you will find a few to help you get started.
Your Bounce Rate Is High
Not many website owners know about bounce rates. It is a figure that shows the percentage of your website visitors landing on your site. There might be several reasons why your bounce rate is high, such as lack of security, slow loading times, or even a bad design. If you look at this Google statistic, you can easily find out how to make improvements to your website and attract customers better.
Your Fonts Don’t Work on Mobile Devices
In some cases, you feel like you don’t want to change, especially if you have paid a lot of money for your web design. However, it is important that you regularly test your pages on mobile devices, so you can find out what your visitors who are using smartphones and tablets can see. If your fonts are not working, or you don’t have a responsive web design, you are more likely to lose visitors and have a higher bounce rate.
You Have Sales But No Conversions

One of the most common problems website owners face is that they have loads of traffic coming to their site, but they don’t see any sales. If you find that you are struggling with online conversions, you might need to look into the site’s infrastructure, the software, the offers, and the different sales pages. Ask yourself whether or not you are giving your visitors a strong enough reason to take action.
You Don’t Have a Sales Funnel

Of course, you will need to make sure that every element of your website and marketing strategy is working well together. If you haven’t yet created a sales funnel or conversion funnel. It might be time to look into it to find out how you can improve customer experience and your click through rates. You can learn more here about the latest user technology that will make it easier to personalize content and communication.
You Have Old Irrelevant Content
Every now and then you will need to go through your website with a fine toothed comb to find out whether or not your blog posts are giving out the right message. If they are not, you will need to make sure that you are deleting old content and refreshing the site in a way that it aims at your target audience.
Keeping on top of your website makes financial and business sense. Check out the statistics and make sure that you implement changes that will improve your conversions and user experience.