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IOT And Other Techy Terms You Need To Know

Working as a business owner, it can be difficult to stay on top of technology. But you need to because technology these days is always at the heart of the company. You might hire people to set up and monitor the tech that you use in your business. But you’ll still need to understand what’s going on when they talk to you about it. So, let’s look at some of the tech terms that it would be useful to know when you’re operating a business. We can start by thinking about the user interface.

User, What Now?

Interface, it sounds like a line from Tron doesn’t it? But it’s not all that complicated. You see there are two parts of any piece of tech. There’s the user side which is like the stage, and then there’s the operating system which is more like behind the curtain. The user interface refers to everything that happens on stage that users can see and that they interact with. So for instance, a user might click on your website and be able to click on a buy button. Now, we know that underneath that buy button there’s lots of little systems and processes working. But, the user only sees the button and any animation that occurs after they press it.

The user interface is important because it’s going to shape customer buying habits and whether or not they will buy multiple times or even once. It’s really just a question of whether the user interface is both attractive and easy to use. Or in some cases, the user interface is changed to make it more, for a lack of a better word addictive. There are even companies that specialise in this type of design.


If you don’t understand the Iot you could be DOA on the market, particularly as an online company. Iot stands for internet of things. What’s particularly confusing about this term is that it’s particularly broad and abstract. It’s difficult to know exactly what it means so let’s break it down. Internet of things refers to the connectivity of different networks and servers on the internet. For instance, whenever you use a social network such as Facebook, you’ll be interacting with an interface which is part of the Iot. As part of that Iot, there will be a number of alarms and notifications that can be sent as messages to different parts of the network, ensuring that it runs smoothly. To keep everything connected and stay on top you need a response software such as Skyresponse running in the background as part of your Iot. Yes, it sounds confusing, but as a business owner, you just need to know that the Iot is a term referring to your computer network.


Lastly, you need to understand both CRO and SEO. Each are important at a certain point in the marketing funnel. SEO alters your site to ensure that it connects well with the search engines and cro means that you alter the site to ensure the best conversion rate. Both, if understood can lead to a high volume of traffic and a lot of customer purchases. That’s exactly what you need if your business is going to be a success.

As you can see then, certain tech terms are important and by having even the basic understanding of them, you won’t just be nodding your head oblivious to what you’re being told when talking to a tech pro.

Published inGeneralkewl

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