Recruiting and training new employees is faster and cheaper than ever before thanks to today’s technological innovations. Here are just a few ways that tech is transforming these areas of HR for the better.
Efficient job posting
Whilst employers previously had to rely on newspaper ads and posters, internet advertising has allowed employers to reach out to a much larger market. The likes of Indeed are great job listing sites that can be viewed by people across the world. Apps such as Switch meanwhile are finding new ways of pairing employers and jobseekers using analytics.
Employees can also be more effectively vetted before taking them to the interview stage. You can create online quizzes to gage a better idea of the personality and know-how of each applicant.
Cyber CVs
Digital technology has also made things much easier for the applicant. By sending off CVs digitally, more information can be packed into a resume. Links can be inserted to examples of work which may be useful if applying to a journalism job and trying to show proof of published written work. There are also sites that can allow you to create a digital portfolio in a stylish manner. This could be useful for applying to a design or photography job in which media needs to be shared.
Cybersecurity Training Can Be Made A Lot Smoother
In this day and age, the technology around this can help us to understand cybersecurity better. It can be quite a confusing aspect of business, so it’s helpful that things are laid out in a much nicer way. Employees are able to grasp many aspects due to the practical nature and software available. Things are broken down into much more understandable parts and instructions are clearer. Whether we are talking about the guide to secrets management from Akeyless or ways to avoid ransomware, technology is allowing even the layman to get to grips with things in a much quicker time.
Virtual interviews
Video communication software has transformed the way in which interviews can be conducted. Applicants no longer need to spend money travelling to a job that they may not get. Similarly, the employer can benefit from being able to interview from any location, allowing the opportunity to interview someone out of the office. Video conferences can be set up in case other people need to be involved. By doing an interview via Skype on one’s phone, it’s also possible to give a virtual tour of the office.
Skype interviewing is becoming very common for these reasons and it’s been found that applicants are less likely to suffer from nerves as they can talk from a comfortable location without the whole stress of getting to the interview on time.
ID verification
For strengthening security within the recruitment stage, digital technology has also added benefits. Applicants can be more easily researched on the internet before inviting them for an interview, ensuring that they are who they say they are. For further security vetting, there are now trusted identity services allowing you to scan someone’s face against their ID. In high-risk security jobs such procedures can be very important and would have previously required expensive technology. Now such technology is available as an affordable app, allowing all kinds of employers to take advantage of this security procedure.
Digital training
Once staff are hired, technology can also be used to make the training process more efficient. Many businesses are now developing custom software and apps to train their new employees with. This may involve watching videos and partaking in interactive quizzes. This can take some of the pressure of having to manually train staff (although shouldn’t be used wholly as a replacement).
Digital technology can also be used to train up new staff in more effective ways than would be possible in real life. When hiring staff remotely, video communication software such as Skype can allow an employee to train a new employee without the two having to physically be in the same office. This can be used in conjunction with cloud software, allowing files to be shared and easily edited.
There’s also the new prospect of VR training that is already being used in some industries. Virtual reality can be used to train new recruits in potentially risky or dangerous scenarios that cannot be effectively simulated in real life. These may include military training or training for surgery. Airline pilots have used such technology for years already and technological advancements are allowing them to prepare for more and more diverse scenarios before actually taking control in a real cockpit.
It’s an uncertainty as to how far VR training will go – will we one day be training staff in retail and accountancy jobs with virtual reality. For now, however there are still many mediums such as videos and interactive quizzes never previously available that many employers could be making use of.