If you are a web designer, you have probably found yourself needing an easy way to make HTML form fields when creating mockups of your designs in Photoshop (or any image editing application).  I know I have, and I usually resort to grabbing screen shots of web pages that contain forms that look close to the design I am trying to implement.  Occasionally I have found myself actually making form fields in Photoshop, which can take a lot of time.

I found a tool today that makes all of this much simpler.  It allows you to define the look and feel of every form element, including colors, widths, and other styles, and have them appear on the page.  Once you have the form elements looking spiffy, you can take a screenshot of the page and load it into Photoshop where you then crop out the elements you want to use and slap them into your mockup.  Very handy!

HTML Form Elements for Photoshop can be used directly from the developer’s web site, or you can download a copy for yourself and run it locally.

HTML Form Elements for Photoshop