If you are looking to run your own successful empire from your sofa this year, you are certainly not alone. There are lots of people around the world who make it their aim to create a business for themselves and their family. The question is how do you beat the competition and stay ahead of the game?
Technology is a massive part of our lives and it is something we use every single day. For business, there are lots of amazing pieces of software and technology which can make those business tasks much easier and here they are.
Grammar checker
One tool which you may not immediately think you need for your business is a good spell checker and grammar checker. When you are writing contracts, professional documents or emails, grammar checkers such as Grammarly can ensure that what you say translates directly on the screen. You I’ll look so much more professional as a result of this.
Finance aid
Budgeting for a business is hard. When you first start running your business it can feel like a massive task and you will soon realise that keeping a record of finances is harder than you first thought. Apps like Quickbooks are ideal for small businesses because they allow you to store and organise your finance in one place.
Scheduling software
Scheduling for your meetings, work, social media and online content are all things which can make a big different to your business this year for the better. When it comes to online scheduling, there are so many great applications and software or there to suit almost anything you need. Take a look and you will be able to find a few great options.
Instagram planner
Speaking of social media, there are applications such as Hootsuite and Buffer which will deal with the scheduling of your Facebook and twitter accounts, but if you have an Instagram account you’ll need something else. Later is an app which allows you to schedule instagram posts, and you can use this alongside an app called UNUM which allows you to see what your feed would look like and to plan out your content.
Mailing service
Email marketing is still a massive part of business and you can end up spending hours trying to send lots of emails to people in your subscribed list. However, software such as Mailchimp will make creating and sending out great newsletter so much easier, and it is definitely something you should try this year.
Project Management
When you have a team of people working on the same project and trying to hit the same goal, it can be hard to track where everyone is up to and see how they are progressing with the work. Luckily, software such as Basecamp is ideal for this because it allows you to see what everyone is up to, how they are getting along and whether they need anything from you. It is an effective way to run a project and it makes life so much easier.