One of the most difficult things that anyone can go through, is seeing a friend – a close friend – at a loss. After an accident, the shock can make it hard for your friend to tell you what they need. It’s okay, though, because you should already know your friend enough to step up and take control where they can’t. An accident is shocking. It’s hard to know what move to make first, but don’t panic. Below, we’ve got some of the best ways that you can confidently be there for a friend after they go through the horror of an accident.

Keep Them Mobile.
Depending on the severity of their injuries, you need to keep them mobile. This doesn’t necessarily need to get them on their feet, but it does mean getting them to and from appointments. This means taking them to the doctor for their follow-up appointments after their injuries, to the supermarket to get their essentials, and even to The Law Offices of Emroch & Kilduff, LLP so that they can discuss any injury claims after their accident. Your friend needs the extra ear to listen to their trauma, talk them through things that aren’t even related to their accident and to provide humour and support post-accident.
Important Documentation
As well as travelling to appointments and being a listening ear, your friend may be too injured, too shocked or just too traumatised to cope with the paperwork and keep on track of their documents. Insurance needs to be dealt with, healthcare documents need to be dealt with and helping them to put together a document folder could be a huge weight off their shoulders. Organisation at a time where they are not able to be organised for themselves can make a huge difference in their recovery.

Logical Steps.
When your friend has gone through such a trauma, it’s hard for them to think straight about what should be next in life. Remind them about their appointments and their insurance. Remind them to talk to their employer about going to work – or not, as the case may be. Provide them with steps to take to get life back to as normal as possible.
Bring Food!
No one wants to cope with the basics of cooking and taking care of themselves when they have had an accident. Life doesn’t stop, but their life has, even for a while. Batch cook some meals or pay for takeout for a few days; you need to help them to eliminate the simple stuff so that they can focus on the harder things. A meal doesn’t just keep them happy and fed, it means that you really do care about their recovery.
Caring for a friend after an accident isn’t easy, but you need to be there for them to lean on as much as possible. They’ve gone through the trauma, and they need you now more than ever. Let them lean and let them use your listening ear. The kindness you show now will matter more than ever before.