Your conversion rate is the rate at which visitors to your site follow through and complete a transaction. While many websites have a conversion rate of less than 1%, the optimal conversion should be between 2-5%. This means for every 100 people that visit your site, 2-5 people complete checkout or the required action.
While this might seem low, it is a target to aim for as a minimum when looking to improve conversion rates.
What is the best way to determine the conversion rate on my website?
If you want to determine your conversion rate, divide the number of goals you achieved in a given period by the total number of visitors to your website, then multiply that number by one hundred. For example, if your landing page received 20,000 visitors, and 5,307 of those visitors completed the desired action, your conversion rate is 26.53 percent.
Improving your website and thus your conversion rates can be achieved by addressing a few different areas.
Conduct Testing
Having a compelling headline can make or break the success of a landing page. If you approach the subject in the wrong way, some people will not continue reading. They’ll hit the “back” button on their browser and disappear forever.
On average, eight out of ten people will read the headline copy, but only two out of ten people will read the rest of the content. Consider the implications of that. Eight out of every ten visitors to your landing page may not bother to read anything past the headline.
Analyze Customer Behaviors
Without understanding how users are interacting with your site, it won’t be easy to improve your conversion rate.
But how do you identify the points at which visitors become tripped up? With website analysis tools, you can view screen recordings of users interacting with your website. You’ll be able to see what they click on, whether they skip over an offer, and whether they abandon a form in the middle of it.
These tools should also include heat maps of your website so that you can see which elements stand out and which ones draw the viewer’s attention to your site.
Make sure the software you have in place supports conversions, and all of your applications are geared towards improving what you do and automating processes. Check out intuitive testing that enhances your applications.
While it does not directly affect conversion rates, it does have a positive impact on revenue while not involving your current funnel. Offer a similar product or service that can be added to a customer’s order with a single click just before the customer completes their purchase.
Because of this one trick, your average order value will regularly increase by approximately 10 to 20 percent. You’ll want to experiment with different point-of-purchase upsells to see which ones work best. One offer may be rejected, while another might increase your average order value by 20 percent.
Focus on CTAs
The call-to-action button is a critical component of conversion (CTA). An example of a call-to-action is downloading an offer, sharing a post on social media, or subscribing to a newsletter via email.
Whatever it is, you must include CTAs on every page of your website and landing pages. They should be unobtrusive and easily accessible.
Typically, each landing page will have only one call to action, but that call to action will be incorporated several times throughout the page. Repetition will garner tremendous success and conversion rates for your chosen activity.
Add Live Chat
If someone is visiting your site, it is a sure sign you are offering something they are looking for. If they fail to convert, chances are something is holding them back. Live chat tools are ideal for assisting people in this situation.
Live chat tools, like pop-ups, are simple to integrate into any website and provide an immediate boost to your conversion rates. You can program them with answers to FAQs or easy to answer queries and be around to answer requests outside of usual working hours.
Add Reviews
Consumers want to know immediately what others thought of your service or product. Were they happy? Did you excel at what you offered, or were they disappointed? Know this; people are more likely to look for reviews, around 9/10 people search for reviews before committing to purchase via all the significant sites online regardless of your industry. So harness this power by including reviews and testimonials to your website to work in your favor and push for conversions positively.
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