No matter if you’re producing music, writing content, playing video games or just keeping up with the latest news, many of us spend more time than we would care to admit on our computers. This has led much of our recreational and professional time to be focused on staring at one, two or three screens in particular, for hours at a time.
Of course, we were not designed for this, despite how convenient and productive this can be. As such, we need to take certain measures to help us better adapt to this physical, mental and ocular strain when using our computers. Putting together a few worthwhile measures now can prevent us from having to worry about repercussions later.
For instance, if sit slouched in a terrible chair with little lumbar support, one day, you will feel the effects. However, sitting in a good and ergonomic chair (which you should totally invest in) is hardly the only consideration to keep in mind. With the following advice, you’ll be able to work long hours without having to pay over the odds for it:
Invest In Your Desk
A great desk, just like a chair, can help your ergonomics. It will help dictate where you sit, how you sit, and how comfortable you are using it. Ideally, you should have a desk that’s big enough to hold all of your equipment (including specialty peripherals), and still have enough space to store temporary items. This can help you feel more connected to your workspace, as if it isn’t constricting you. It’s also worthwhile to consider how standing desks can help you undo the damage of sitting, as they provide a worthwhile investment for anyone hoping to benefit in the long term.
Blue Light Protection
Blue light can play havoc with our circadian rhythm, because when the sun has gone down, this light hue emitted by most screens simulates the sun, thus telling our brains that it isn’t dark outside. You can overcome this with blue light glasses, which can also help you avoid digital eye strain, headaches due to long-form screen work or gaming, as well as affording you the worthwhile frames that fit your style. For people who use their devices late into the night, this is a great investment.
Keyboard & Mice
It’s important to invest in a good keyboard and mouse. Those with mechanical switch are known to be easier to type on, allowing for a more comfortable finger traction when typing. This helps you type for long periods without pain. A mouse and keyboard, if ergonomically designed, also allow for the clicking and movement motions to be less taxing on your fingers and wrists. Certain laptop models also allow for this kind of keyboard, and they’re work investing in. This might not seem like much, but add this up over potentially hundreds or thousands of hours and you’ll see how effective your efforts can be at delaying physical issues such as repetitive strain injury.
Rest Your Mind
Not only is it a good idea to keep your physical self happy and healthy when you’re working at your computer all day, it’s also a good idea to rest your mind once in a while. All that work and no play is not conducive to good work, and although you might think you’re being productive, the truth is that you’re probably not. Taking a break every now and then, ideally at least once an hour for ten minutes or so, will help you work better and smarter. Reducing your workload is one great way to ensure this happens. Hiring a Facebook ad agency to help with your marketing or having an accountant to deal with your taxes frees up your time, allows for more breaks, and helps you work better.
With this advice, we hope you can more easily avoid strain when working at your computer all day.