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Year: 2010

Today’s Mind-Blowing Factoid

Amount that the U.S. wedding industry would gain each year if gays wed at the same rate as straights: $17,000,000,000 Amount that U.S. divorce attorneys would gain if gays also divorced at the same rate: $1,900,000,000 via The Searchable Harper’s Index. How’s that for something mind boggling?

Defective by Design

After reading yesterday’s announcement from Apple regarding the iPad, then browsing their site while drooling over the specs, I decided I would try and get one when they become available.  I have become so accustomed to my iPhone 3Gs that I can’t imagine having a bigger extension of that for…

You Dirty Rats

My latest musical endeavor, a band called You Dirty Rats, has been coming together quite nicely. Have a listen and let me know what you think. Beast In The City Dirty Rat Shuffle It’s Hard Enough Killing Me I’m a Sucker When She Puckers I’m a Sucker When She Puckers…