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Author: Will Chatham

Will Chatham is the Security Assessment Engineer for Arbor Networks. Since Netscape 2.0, he has worked in a wide array of environments including non-profit, corporate, small business, and government. He started as a web developer, moved into Linux system administration, and ultimately found his place as a security professional. Having most recently conquered the OSCP certification, Will continues to hack his way into various things in an effort to make them more secure.


When did FedEx start putting drop slots in the sides of their trucks, and who can run that fast?

Remember GMail Invites

I was poking through my blog posts from 5 years ago and found one referring to GMail invitations. I had forgotten that GMail was by invitation only for the first few months of its existence. Those were the days!

Redirecting root’s Email on Red Hat

red-hat-logo-bigIf you are a conscientious system administrator, you like to keep tabs on your server by checking root’s email at least once a day, correct?  If you manage more than one server, or get tired of having to log in to check your mail, you can redirect where email for the root user gets sent.

I ran into problems on Red Hat Enterprise 5.2 doing this, so I thought I’d post the resolution here.