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Month: March 2006

Internet Explorer

Still using Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser on your Windows machine? Stop already! With the most recent critical, unpatched security exploits running wild, reports are coming in regarding otherwise innocent web sites silently installing malicious programs that steal your passwords and other sensitive information. Do yourself a favor and install Firefox…

Assorted Stuff

A buddy from one of my favorite online geek hangouts, the Broadband Reports Web Developer board, has been collecting VW commercials on his site for VW lovers. I’ve always been partial to VW’s, having learned to drive in a ’67 Beetle, and their commercials area good reflection of their uniqueness…


So with two weeks remaining at my current day job with the Air Force, I have found myself in a time of major change and decision making. I have sent out about 50 resumes with only a couple of responses; interviews that I have yet to take part in. The…

A Few Things

You probably noticed the new curtains. Finally, I got around to creating my own design for this site. There are still elements of the previous theme here, and I will be changing them in time. For now though, I can at least call this my own. Today in the car,…