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Author: Will Chatham

Will Chatham is the Security Assessment Engineer for Arbor Networks. Since Netscape 2.0, he has worked in a wide array of environments including non-profit, corporate, small business, and government. He started as a web developer, moved into Linux system administration, and ultimately found his place as a security professional. Having most recently conquered the OSCP certification, Will continues to hack his way into various things in an effort to make them more secure.

Big Foot Hoax

Last week there was a lot of buzz online regarding the discovery of a dead sasquatch. I’m sure you probably heard about it. I watched the news conference led by the two guys in northern Georgia (the state, not the country) who had allegedly discovered the body while out hiking.…

New Pictures

It’s been a while since I updated my Foto gallery, so I thought I’d throw in some pictures from our trip to the beach last week.  Check them out here.