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Category: Family

Yea Bob

So I have neglected this site lately, mainly because I have been putting all of my attention into work. When I do have free time to mess around, I have been updating, which is starting to really take off. One of my other project sites,, got its first…

May 2006

We are back from our week at the beach. Gray turned 3 while we were there, and Dax had a ball with all the family members passing him around. The weather was mild, the trips down there and back were pretty good with the kids in the car, and we…


Gray turned three at the beach today. Wrapping paper flew. A pool was swum in. Sand was castle-ized. Waves were jumped. Cake was devoured. Bubbles were blown. Relatives were wrestled. Naps were taken. Play-doh was piled. Magic wands were waved. Cameras were clicked. And time has flown.

What’s Going On?

I’ve been working a whole lot. That’s about it, really. I like working. I really like the fact that the current work I am doing is challenging, stimulating, and educational. I really, really like the fact that I am working for myself and am better off than ever before. Workaholic?…