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Year: 2005

IE7 Preview has a good review of Internet Explorer 7 beta1. The article goes into detail about the pros, the cons, and the bass-ackward interface changes. “Microsoft is playing the catch-up game with IE7. Nearly every feature included with this build has already been successfully implemented in most alternative browsers. Crucially,…

Web Services

I signed up with a basic account at a couple of weeks ago. They provide online invoicing services geared for freelancers. I tested it out, and found a couple of limitations in the Invoicing that I didn’t care for. Specifically, I desired a way to add notes to invoices,…

Firefox and Popups

People who have been using Firefox know that the web surfing experience is so much nicer, but there have been grumblings in the geek circles about the increasing amount of unwanted popup windows Firefox is missing. As the browser has grown in popularity, so has interest in finding ways around…


Poop is great. That’s what I have to keep telling my two-year old, who is potty training. I never imagined I would ever be so involved in someone’s bodily functions so intimately. It’s kinda strange how you don’t really find it that gross when it your kid’s poop. He has…