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Year: 2005

Google Moon

As if by magic, Google rolled out something I was thinking would be cool, but never thought would really happen, and that is Google Moon. You can now peruse the moon’s landscape, check out the terrain, and see where past missions have landed. To prove Google isn’t too big to…


Much to my own suprise, I have been getting into the game of golf. Had you asked me a year ago, I would never have given the game any thought. However, I have been way into it the last couple of months, and I am getting better. The first couple…

Free is Good

I may have mentioned this before, but I spent some time at today, and wanted you faithful readers to know about it. Epitonic, “Your source for cutting edge music”, is a site where independent, underground musicians are featured, with loads of free MP3 downloads. There is so much good…

…and stuff

We returned from a jovial weekend at the In-Laws yesterday. Fun in the pool, warm bellies at a good Indian restaurant, and relaxation in front of the big-screen TV were enjoyed by much of the clan. Gray had a ball with all the attention and new people to show him…

New Pics

I just slapped up two new photo galleries for ya. One gallery is of nice hi-res images from my Olympus digicam, while the other gallery is a low-fi set of pics from my cell phone camera. Both galleries are from the April and June months of this fine year (that…