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Category: Music

Work, Music, News

Thanks to Pete emailing me recently, I learned that the Second String Bluegrass Band songs that I had linked to on were not actually there. I am currently uploading them all to my server, and they should be there within the hour. On another musical note (get it? GET…

Crain Stuff

I’ve been in touch with my old pal John Kampschaefer a bunch lately. He has been digging up some of the hundreds, if not thousands, of pictures he took during the Crain era. John was pretty much the 5th member of Crain, acting as roadie, sound man, photojournalist, brother, friend,…

Crain – Speed

So I got my 25 advanced copies of the new Crain Speed LP on CD the other day. The official release date is April 5, 2005. I was completely blown away by how good the CD sounds. John Golden took the original 8-track tapes and remastered them. The sound is…

Many Things

Today I shall endeavor to post a long update. I have been collecting a lot of good things to say here but haven’t had time to elaborate until now. First, if you are one of the hundreds of people who leave comments on my posts each day, you will notice…