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Month: February 2006

An Event Apart

So the first week in April is going to be one of the best weeks in history. As I have mentioned before, Dinosaur Jr is playing at the Orange Peel. Now I will also be attending An Event Apart in Atlanta! I got my registration all set up yesterday, and…

Battlestar Galactica

If you are not watching the new Battlestar Galactica, you are missing out on the best TV show since, well, the original Battlestar Galactica. Why aren’t you watching it? Do you know what you are missing? There is no cheesy music. The music is very percussive and compliments the show…

Music Updates

A couple of minor updates to Added a Black Eyed Dog page Thanks to one Brandon Skipworth, I obtained the names for the Undermine tracks. Oh, and you can now find my on MySpace.

Windows Free!

I got fed up. Fed up with a bogged down operating system. I got tired of viruses, spyware, licenses, etc etc etc. Tonight I made the switch. No, not to Apple. To Linux. Full-time, full-on Linux. Ubuntu, to be exact. Within two hours I was up and running a smooth…