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Author: Will Chatham

Will Chatham is the Security Assessment Engineer for Arbor Networks. Since Netscape 2.0, he has worked in a wide array of environments including non-profit, corporate, small business, and government. He started as a web developer, moved into Linux system administration, and ultimately found his place as a security professional. Having most recently conquered the OSCP certification, Will continues to hack his way into various things in an effort to make them more secure.


It’s been a very busy couple of weeks around here. Work has been full-on, both the day job and the moonlighting. I just posted a rough draft of the new web site for NCMAMA, the North Carolina Mountain Acoustic Music Association. I am glad to be working with these fine…

The Stick

The “stick” is a kind of weird chain letter whereby some other blogger passes this list of questions on to you to answer. I got The Stick from Thommy Browne. Here goes: You’re stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be? I want to be “The Cruel…

Coffee Shoppin’

I have been enjoying the activity of sitting in coffee shops after work lately. Working downtown allows me to do this now, and just to sit here and surf the web using free wireless internet access from my laptop is relaxing. Currently I am sitting here enjoying a frosty, hand-squeezed…

Passing Time

Time has been flying by quickly again. Not that it ever really stopped flying by quickly, because we all know that as we approach the dimensional shift, time speeds up anyway. Right? We had a little yard sale today. By little, I mean our whole street organized a big sale…